Mason-based garage door manufacturer Clopay Building Products partnered with local distributor A-E Door to provide a new designer garage door to the Akers family of West Chester, who today will finally see the results of the home makeover performed by the “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” television series designers, crew and local volunteers over the last seven days. The Cincinnati episode will air this fall on ABC.
Clopay is no stranger to the “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition” project experience. The company has donated garage doors to several deserving families featured on the series since it first began airing in 2004.
“The neat part about this particular project is the door was built in Ohio by an Ohio manufacturer to benefit an Ohio family,” says Pat Lohse, vice president of residential marketing for Clopay.
The door the series designers chose for the Akers’ home is a contemporary glass and aluminum door from the Clopay® Avante Collection.
The most striking feature of the Avante door is its glass design, which allows people inside to see through to the outdoors, but not necessarily vice versa. There are many window options available to control the degree of light transmission and privacy including clear, frosted, tinted, mirrored or acrylic glass, wire or laminate. The delicate but durable design is reminiscent of a Japanese Shoji screen.
“The Akers two-car garage is a prominent feature on the façade of their new home so the designer needed to be choiceful when selecting a door that would integrate with the style of the home. That can be a challenge when you’re dealing with contemporary architecture,” adds Lohse. “The Avante has only been available for residential applications since 2005. Its unique appearance really transforms the space into an eye-catching focal point and you almost forget you are looking at a garage.”
For those wondering if a glass garage door makes sense for a family with three kids, the answer is yes. The Akers’ door is constructed utilizing a heavy-duty laminated glass.